Sunday, July 29, 2012


The end of my course has arrived and with that the conclusion of my Physical Science blog. My Physical Science blog is a reflection of all that I have learned during these past eight weeks. Science has never been a topic that I favored but I always learn something new and amazing in my science classes. My creating a blog I was able to share the lessons that I learned about everyday events with you all.

In my Physical Science blog there have been several lessons in Physics and Chemistry and a lesson each in Earth Science and Astrology. I attempted to have aim my lessons to questions that everybody has always wondered about but never set about to find the answer, such as my lesson explaining why shower curtain sticks to you and why it looks as if you only see one side of the moon. Other blogs that I have posted provided you with information that I thought you might like to know, such as my blog about how you can memorize the elements in the periodic table and how the Northern/Southern lights are created.

I have never made a blog prior to this assignment. In the beginning, I was completely lost in what a blog was and I was not sure where I should begin. However, once I got started with my blog, I started to enjoy publishing new posts to my blog and sharing with you all what I was learning in my course. By creating this blog I was able to further my knowledge by going further into applying what I was learning. It is one thing to read your text to learn a subject but it is an entire different thing to teach what you are learning to others.

I hope you all enjoyed my blog as much as I enjoyed writing this blog for you.

The information that I provided for all came from my NSCI 101 Physical Science Textbook, Conceptual Physical Science. The citation for all of my blogs has been referenced below:

Hewitt, L.A.; Hewitt, P.G.; Suchocki, J. (2012). Conceptual Physical Science. San Francisco:  
          Pearson Education, Inc.

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